Journal of Clinical Oncology | 2023 Media Kit

Print Advertising Specifications

Ad Materials to:
Username: hspsales
Password: Connect#9

We recommend using a secure file transfer protocol. Such as SFTP FileZilla

Color Proofs to:

Norman W. Virtue
Tel: 631-935-7682
Fax: 631-692-0805

Printing Instructions

JCO is printed at Quad. These are cover tip, insert, and outsert instructions.

Mock-ups for evaluation with contact information must be sent 6 weeks prior to insertion to:

Norman Virtue
244 Hillside Ave
Valley Stream, NY 11580

Send bulk of ad material to:


JCO - JCO004/Issue Date
Attn: Stacy Darby
555 South 108th Street
West Allis, WI 53214-1145

Send 2 printed samples to:


ONP - ONP004/Issue Date
Stacy Darby
4766 N Dickenson Rd
Coleman, MI 48618

Send 2 printed samples to:

JCO - JCO004/Issue Date
Norman Virtue
244 Hillside Ave
Valley Stream, NY 11580

File Submissions

SWOP standards apply. Submit only high-resolution CMYK PDF formatted files. Convert all spot colors to CMYK. All fonts and images must be embedded. Files should indicate trim and bleed.

Contact the Production Manager at for additional specifications and production questions.

Mechanical Requirements

Ad Sizes




2-Page spread

16.5″ × 11.125″

16.25″ × 10.875″

15.75″ × 10.375″*

Full Page

8.375″ × 11.125″

8.125″ × 10.875″

7.625″ × 10.375″

1/2-Page (vertical)

4.25″ × 11.125″

3.875″ × 10.875″

3.5″ × 10.375″

1/2-Page (horizontal)

8.375″ × 5.625″

8.125″ × 5.25″

7.625″ × 4.75″

1/4-Page (square)

4.25″ × 5.625″

3.875″ × 5.25″

3.5″ × 4.75″

*with a 0.5″ safety down the middle

Insert Requirements

2-Page Insert

8-3/8″ × 11-1/8″

4-Page Insert

16.75" × 11.125", supply folded 8.375" × 11.125"


0.125" top, bottom, gutter, and outside edge; margin for live matter 0.5" inside all edges of untrimmed insert


80#–100# text stock maximum


U.S. Only: 18,500 per run,
Full Run: 26,000 per run,
Ex-U.S.: contact Harborside

All inserts must be supplied as a single unit


Outserts are a premium position offered in each issue. Availability is limited. Please contact Harborside for information regarding outsert list matching, printing, and availability.

Dimensions: Outsert dimensions are limited by the host publication (8.125″ x 10.875″). Outserts should be no smaller than 4″ x 6″.

Artwork, design, and content must be approved prior to printing.

Outsert may be no heavier than 3 oz.

Contact: Norman W. Virtue (

Harborside will print upon request. Printing fee is $2,500 net for a standard 2-page cover-tip. For larger units, please contact us for custom quote.

Cover Tips

Cover Tips are available on all issues.

Dimensions: 3-1/2″ × 6″

Single leaf and single fold only, indicate front on order.

Multiple page cover tips require wafer seals on all open edges; those inclusive of PI could have an upcharge. Artwork, design, and content must be approved prior to printing.

70 lb. minimum text stock required.

Harborside will print upon request. Printing fee is $2,500 net for a standard 2-page cover-tip. For larger units, please contact us for custom quote.

Journal Marks

Journal Marks offer advertisers excellent visibility by providing JCO readers a removable tab that carries your message.

Journal Marks may run within the editorial well.

Artwork, design, and content must be approved by ASCO.

The folded dimensions are 9.875" × 11.125".

For a detailed diagram view the following PDF:

Journal Mark Specs

Contact: Norman W. Virtue (

List Matches

Harborside will match any client list to JCO's circulation. The first 2 list matches are free, and a charge of $2,000 applies to all subsequent matches. If the client chooses to advertise to the selected audience through a demo insert, the appropriate demo charge will apply, and the initial list match fee will be waived. Maximum of 2 list matches per year per brand.