Maximize your exposure with the #1 Read Oncology Publications! Run your advertisement in all 6 issues of the ASCO Publications Network in the same month
Monthly Package Includes:
If multiple sized ad units are placed within the first 5 insertions, the cost of the 6th ad unit will be determined by the average dollar amount spent per issue. This amount will be credited toward the 6th insertion in a series.
Advertisers in ASCO Publications: Journal of Clinical Oncology (JCO), The ASCO Post, and JCO Oncology Practice combine for pages to earn the frequency rate in JCO as well as in all the ASCO publications. Space purchased by a parent company and subsidiaries is combined in calculating the earned rate. When the number of insertions is greater or less than indicated by the contract, rates are adjusted accordingly. Please contact Harborside for details. Frequency will be determined by the total number of pages placed in these publications during a calendar year.
*Guaranteed frequency is based on the number of pages placed between July 2021-June 2022
Advertise three or more prescribing information (PI) pages for a single ad for a brand and receive a 50% discount on the B&W page rate beginning on the third PI page. Multi-journal discount is not eligible on discounted PI pages.