Journal of Clinical Oncology | 2022 Media Kit

Digital Specifications

Specification Website eTOC

Accepted ad sizes

Leaderboard (728 × 90)

Medium Rectangle (300 × 250)

Mobile (320/300 x 50)

Leaderboard (728 × 90)

Medium Rectangle (300 × 250)

Ad expansion sizes

Leaderboard (728 × 315) (Expands down)

Medium Rectangle (600 × 250) (Expands left)


Ad expansion notes

Ad must require user click initiation for expansion. Expanded ad must include clearly visible close controls. Rollover to expand ads are not accepted.


Ad formats

JPG, GIF, HTML5, Javascript,third-party served ads

JPG, GIF, animated GIF

Maximum initial file size



Rich media file size



Animation time

15 seconds, 3 frames, 3 loops

15 seconds, 3 frames, 3 loops

Frames per second (FPS)

24 FPS

24 FPS


All ads with white or partially white background must use a 1-pixel dark color border

All ads with white or partially white background must use a 1-pixel dark color border

Maximum Ad Resource Requests***



All ad creative is due one week prior to live date and is subject to approval by ASCO. Email creative must be finalized no later than 72 hours prior to deployment. HTML5 ads must be provided as soon as possible for testing purposes.

All ad creative is subject to approval from the American Society of Clinical Oncology. For times when the user’s browser does not support creative functionality (i.e. Flash™, HTML5), provide a standard image file.

Animated .gif files should resolve into a comprehensive static image.

***Resource request limits include any tracking scripts that the agency/advertiser may be utilizing in conjunction with their campaign.

Please provide alternative text (up to 64 characters including spaces).

Interactive ads will allow for unlimited file load after user-initiated interaction. User initiation is the willful act of a user to engage with an ad. Users may interact by clicking on the ad.

File weight calculation: All files for the ad, including supporting files and agency supplied tracking scripts, must be included as part of the maximum file weight calculation for all file limits load.

For E-TOC Images, please provide alternative text (up to 64 characters including spaces).

Keyword Blocking: If a keyword blocker is being utilized, all keywords need to be included within the IO in advance of acceptance. Failure to do so, will result in advertiser being billed for blocked impressions.

HTML5 Best Practice Notes:

HTML5 ads are like mini web pages. You can improve initial display by following a few guidelines:

  • Provide inline css and use HTML to deliver initial display resources as much as possible.
  • Limit initial dependencies on any render-blocking .js or .css
  • Load interactive elements as a deferred or secondary subload, but keep them efficient using techniques such as caching.
  • Defer heavy file weights until user initiates interaction.
  • Use techniques such as byte-serving to download partial content and to optimize for auto-play video.
  • Avoid any unnecessary downloads.
  • Combine all supporting files (e.g. JavaScript toolkits, libraries, HTML, and CSS) whenever possible.

Ads must not load more than 15 supporting files, including any agency supplied tracking scripts.

Use well-distributed, cached libraries to provide supporting files instead of providing them with the ad.

Check device and bandwidth and tailor supporting files and other elements to the environment and experience.

Harborside utilizes a number of viewability/IVT analyzation tools for comprehensive data on advertising campaigns. If there is a 10% difference between third-party reporting, a conversation ensues between client and Harborside.

No Advertising shall include any pixels, tags, Flash containers, or any other type of information collection software code (i.e. any such pixel, tag, code or device commonly referred to as a “Pixel”), nor place any beacons, cookies, or other information collection devices on the browsers of users unless expressly approved in writing by Harborside. If Harborside approves the inclusion of a Pixel in an advertisement, then unless and only to the extent that such approval contains an express exception, (i) Advertiser may not use such Pixel to collect any personally-identifiable information (PII) with respect to any JCO user, (ii) no such Pixel can be flash or object based, (iii) No cookies may be placed on a user’s system, (iv) Advertiser will not link any non-PII that it collects to any PII that it may have from any other source and (v) Advertiser will not update any existing profile or create any profile in its database based on any data collected on the JCO site, including the fact that someone is a JCO user or any information derived from the information in the referring URL.

We cannot honor viewability related campaign goals if ads are supplied that do not meet the specifications supplied in the grid above.

IVT-related campaign requirements cannot be honored if logs including IP addresses and timestamps are not supplied of suspected IVT-generated impressions for verification.  These logs also enable us to ensure that we filter out future IVT visitations from these addresses if deemed valid. Harborside will supply a report back of any IVT traffic deemed valid along with supporting evidence.